Monday, November 30, 2009

three months immense

Rilke reflects “the summer was immense” but this year brought a three-month fall. Three months of crisp-not-cold air, three months of tiredgreen-gold-orange-crackling leaves. The marigolds and pansies still haven’t given up. September football and the last of the goldenrod in Pennsylvania. November football and the last tailgate of the season. For Thanksgiving, it was still fall in Iowa, which is not always the case. This year I’m thankful for a fall so immense. So immense that, for the first time in many years, I’m ready for Christmas. Lord, it is time.

(The tree is at Mount Vernon, George Washington’s estate south of D.C. We visited it with good friends, on a warm Sunday in early November.)


  1. First snow today in IC. When my own enthusiasm for it was not forthcoming, I thought of you. I hope you got a few flurries too...

  2. We did! We did! Only 16 days after your well wishes.
