Tuesday, June 22, 2010

new rhythms

About three weeks ago, I switched to half-time at work. I’m now working remotely and putting in about 20-25 hours a week editing, abstracting, and prepping web content. And I gleefully gave back the Blackberry. So far, it’s just lovely. But I don’t take it lightly.

This change is the result of about a year of reflection in our household, six months of conversations with my supervisors, and a commitment to try our best to flourish in our fast-paced environment. We’d like to stay in the D.C. area for more than the typical two years, and that’s going to take a lot of intentionality (I know, I’m not supposed to use that word) and investing in our home and community rather than our work. I’m praying for wisdom about how to best use my “free” time and how to balance my husband’s 12-14 hour days as an attorney.

So far, it’s been filled with (in no particular order): a new church committee, a garden, a car accident (no one was hurt), unrelated car maintenance, roller coasters, splashing in the pool with some toddler friends, a little more reading, and “The Bachelorette.” Oh, and the two bridal showers. How am I doing?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

a backyard bequest

Here’s another great garden story … it’s really the beginning of one. My former colleague, John, is traveling in the Middle East this summer. Last summer he shared some homegrown tomatoes and jalapeno peppers and through the winter we talked about gardening and Wendell Berry and other classic crunchy-con topics. Like where to find raw milk (I have not tried it yet) and how gardening can prompt meditation.

When John was planning his journey, I offered to help tend his backyard garden while he was away. He asked for my input on how to organize the rows and what to plant. He put in tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, lettuces, beans, and some herbs. Then he went away. Free spirit that he is, he’s not planning on returning to the area, and his roommate is more than willing to let me continue gardening. And so, the backyard bequest. I’m delighted, intimidated, hopeful … and grateful to avoid the 3-year waiting list for a community garden plot.

So here’s an inaugural picture. As you can see, everything is well underway, especially the grass! I’m not sure what you’re doing on Friday, but I’ll be weeding.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

tis the season ...

… for bridal showers. I’m in between treks to Iowa and New Jersey—cycling loads of laundry, gathering stores for the home-front (I’m leaving him behind), and soaking my already-overgrown plants. And planning party number two, for my sister. I hope the mini quiches turn out.

Tis also the season for gardens to start producing, and I heard a good story about one while I was visiting my beyond-cool friends back in Iowa City. It’s a neighbor story, and a simple one. My foodie friend knocked on a farmhouse door two blocks from her apartment (which is home to some lively herbs, but nonetheless not tillable) and inquired about her neighbor’s backyard availability. Now she and her husband share two plots with their generous hosts—and keep an eye on the place when the neighbors are out of town. She just knocked on the door, and asked! Here’s a picture (lettuce and spinach in foreground):

Next week’s garden entry: “a bequest.” Stay tuned!