Monday, March 21, 2011

Is the scarecrow staying? And does he have a name?

Two questions I forgot to ask last Saturday, when the previous owners of our duplex gave us a lengthy tour of the yard and garden.

I did learn that the serviceberry tree is named “Dale.” And that the flox, sedum, and other plants by the pond are native to Virginia and will attract dragonflies and hummingbirds. The hedge will need trimming, the perennial bed mulching. The vegetable garden area lies at the foot of the scarecrow and will need to be cleared of rocks.

And so our life continues in Arlington, in a new (old) place, in someone’s lovingly tended garden, in another vibrant neighborhood. We are thankful.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

visit from a foodie friend

Sometimes Saturday is like stepping out of time. It’s not a day of rest, like Sunday; it’s a day to get things done, but not the things you would normally do. And sometimes it’s a day to see your city all over again, or explore a new neighborhood, or leave altogether. Last weekend my dear friend Michelle came to see another lighted city, its monuments, and our life here. And to make ricotta blintzes with blueberry sauce.