Wednesday, July 20, 2011

summer sweat

I hereby declare that it is most displeasing to even visit one's garden on a hot, humid July day with mosquitoes swarming garden beds (and legs). Not even the ripe cherry tomatoes seemed worth it today!

I'm looking forward to ripping out all the scraggly herbs and be-spotted bean plants and starting over in early September. Until then you'll find me inside, hanging pictures and curtains.


  1. You know it's hot when you have your air conditioner set to keep the house at 80 degrees, and it feels blissfully cool! Pictures of the curtains soon?

  2. Sounds like you're experiencing the oppressive heat wave too. This past weekend, I just harvested my first small handful of green beans from my porch garden and thought of you!

  3. It seems the only time I'm able to spend time in our garden is in the evening when the mosquitoes are in full force. I've been itching too many pink bites and would love to help you hang curtains and pictures instead with a glass of iced coffee in hand. Miss you, friend.
