Sunday, April 12, 2009

on writing on trends

Do you ever read something and say aloud, “Only in America?” It’s one of my favorite phrases (thanks Mom), and I muttered it after reading about this yoga trend in The New York Times “Style” section. I love this part of the paper; it so perfectly encapsulates a certain kind of city lifestyle by noting various “trends” which do not occur anywhere else. As I read, I like to pretend it’s really an Onion-esque commentary on the faux-urbane. But the articles are actually serious.

After I read that article, I asked my husband: “Guess what you’ll only see in America?” Without missing a beat he said, “dog yoga.”


  1. At least the article's author acknowledged that it may be over the top. Honestly, though, "doga"???

  2. wes has his finger on the pulse of american trends. i knew it. he just has that look about him.

  3. Lisa - I know! They actually called it that! Darby - He does, yes he does. :) It's his new suits.
