Saturday, January 8, 2011

peace and pasta

For Christmas, Wes gave me the pasta maker attachments for our KitchenAid. I was so excited to tell Katie about our new project, but she warned me: “Don’t try to make pasta together … it will lead to a fight!” She gave examples from her own experience and a mutual friend’s. (You know who you are.)

But her warning came too late. We mixed, rolled, and cut homemade pasta last week – in peace. I think the difference might be having a husband content to be an attentive sous-chef. And a sous-chef who’s willing to do the frustrating tasks: painstakingly separating the drying strands, cleaning the rollers, and listening to my chatter (“Katie said it’s okay to use a lot of flour” … “Hmmm, I’m pretty sure this needs more water” … “I think we should try this with semolina flour” … “No, the instructions say …” and on and on).

There are downsides to the sous-chef model of kitchen harmony—we don’t have nearly as many interesting meals as my friends with cooking partners, and it’s lonely sometimes grocery-shopping by myself—but it works for us. The fettuccine was our first meal of 2011!


  1. What a thoughtful husband you have. Gifting you a tool to express yourself creatively in the kitchen and then helping you out to boot! Kitchen harmony comes in different measurements :)

  2. Three cheers for harmonious process, but I am waiting for some comment about the product you created together! The picture made my mouth water. What did you think?

  3. Thanks for the cheers! We enjoyed the texture and taste! I found some Hodgson Mill pasta flour (semolina and durum blend) and it had a nice bite to it. There was a wheat recipe that came with the pasta attachments, so I might try that next. Maybe we can make some together if you come visit, Michelle!

  4. You can add me and Cam to the pasta-making-leads-to-a-fight list. The second time around, I made all the pasta while he made some delicious homemade tomato sauce. It was a good compromise. Hope I can have a culinary adventure with you and Katie in 2011!

  5. Thanks for identifying yourself Leah! Sounds like a tasty compromise. :)

  6. Way to go, Wes--what a great gift and partner in the kitchen! This post made me smile because I could picture the two of you harmoniously working in the kitchen. Miss you both!
