Tuesday, March 10, 2009

culture making

I recently finished "Culture Making" by Andy Crouch, and it left a little of itself behind after I returned it to the library. There's a lot to reflect on in this book.

byFaith magazine (A PCA publication) interviewed Crouch for their latest issue. His responses provided a great distillation of the book's themes, though the interview focused more on his critique of current "Christian culture" and not as much on the positive, biblical vision he set forth for cultivating and creating culture in our communities.

I can't find the interview online, but Crouch discusses a "sense of dissatisfaction, not just with the political strategy [of evangelicals], but with the subculture strategy--the strategy of creating culture by and for Christians rather than out in the public marketplace, for our neighbors whether they're Christians or not."

I think this is what makes so many Christians eschew the label "evangelical." It has so many bad political and cultural connotations. Crouch offers a helpful way forward, centered on examining our posture toward culture. I need to think of more ways to cultivate and create culture, not just critique and consume it. Ideas?

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