Friday, April 15, 2011

surgery on sedum

After a week of sitting at the computer and watching the rain, today was a banner day for yardwork. The mulch and garden soil conditioner arrived, and I weeded around the winterberry bushes and perennials. I dug up and divided some over-sized sedum ... I think it will enjoy a new life in the neighbor's front yard!


The tulips are beginning their farewell, and the myrtle blooms are less dense than two weeks ago. The marsh marigolds were positively giddy with the full sunshine today, and the phlox's purple blooms (incorrectly spelled in the previous post) are carpeting the pond area.

It's starting to feel like home ... now we just have to move our stuff!


  1. Your garden is wonderful. Thanks for the tour.

  2. Oh, Anna, your garden looks beautiful! I'm living vicariously through you with all your lovely spring flowers. When do you plan to move in?

  3. Your garden inheritance is lovely!
