Sunday, May 1, 2011

spring sprouts

Last weekend we built cedar raised beds and filled them with fresh soil. On Easter Sunday, I planted my seeds: peas & beans, basil, dill, cilantro, chives, and lettuces. This spot gets a lot of sun, and it's great to finally plant more than a few pots on the balcony.

This week, bush beans and lettuce offered almost-instant gratification, sprouting in a mere four days. They were a warm welcome as we officially moved to the house!

Also loving life: the pink azalea on the side of the house (with lily of the valley) and the stonecrop sedum near the pond. When the boxes are unpacked and the furniture is in place, I promise I'll post more than just pictures of plants!


  1. It make me so happy to see your garden. I can only imagine how happy it makes you. There's nothing like a garden welcoming you home.

  2. What a warm welcome to your new home! Glad to hear you've moved in, and I hope the unpacking and settling processes go smoothly.
